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Technical Sourcing: A Detective Role in Recruitment

Writer's picture: Niranjan KoranneNiranjan Koranne

Updated: Jan 31

Photo by Craig Whitehead/ Unsplash
Photo by Craig Whitehead/ Unsplash
99% people think that Technical Sourcing or Sourcing Specialist is just normal activity in the recruitment process. But believe me it is not less than a thrilling experience for me every day. I feel like I am a detective and searching for the right person for the organization while staying in the shadows.

Hello and Welcome to my first blog! I have been part of the IT industry for almost 11 years and during this journey, I did conduct numerous interviews (Face to Face, virtual) and have been part of hiring end with profiles shared to me for screening and interview by the Resource Management Group(RMG) team. My current role at Workship helped to learn more about RMG team’s perspective.

In my opinion, technical sourcing is a key part of the recruitment process. The sourcer’s responsibility is to go through the JD and identify skills which customer is looking for and identify/source the candidate which are looking for the job and matching the right skills. In order to do this, the person playing the role of sourcing specialist should have a good understanding of engineering terms and also should have good acumen to read about new technologies.

It's like, in case we are looking for a Data engineer with knowledge of SPARK internals. In order to source matching profiles, the sourcer needs to understand What a data engineer does? What is SPARK? and is any other skill required apart from SPARK and identifies the matching candidates like a detective. It will be easier for a person with an engineering background to proceed with sourcing more conformably, compared to a non-technical person. Again, no-offense to the people with non-technical background. They have fought hard to learn technologies and play this crucial role of sourcing specialist.

I feel like a detective because, normally, a detective is assigned a case to solve. You need to understand the background of the incident by asking questions, collecting evidence against suspects, verifying them using his contacts or connections. Finally, identifies the culprit by comparing the proofs collected against the understanding with a round of interrogations with suspects.

Here in the RMG world, The position for which sourcer is identifying a matching candidate is “the case”. “Understanding background” is nothing but going through JD and asking relevant questions. “Suspects” are nothing but candidates looking for a job and evidence is nothing but their resume. Only slight difference here is that, best matching candidate (or culprit :D) is finalized by introspection and interrogation by the user who handed over the case to the detective agency.

Hence, I was calling it a Detective role in Recruitment and it's not just the normal activity. Hope you liked the post. Do share your feedback with me and If you would like us to be your extended recruitment team, do reach out to us. Thanks!

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