Curious to hear your thoughts on interview assignments!
We recently conducted a poll to understand opinions on giving take-home assignments during interviews, and the results are in:
The divided opinions highlight the complexity of the issue. While we previously believed that if a candidate completes a take-home assignment, it demonstrates genuine interest in the position, the feedback indicates a need for a shift in our approach.
Given the current job market's dynamics, where candidates have more opportunities available, we must adapt our criteria for filtering candidates. Based on the poll results and ongoing discussions, we have concluded that incorporating live coding sessions during the interview process is a better approach than relying on take-home assignments.
Live coding sessions offer a balanced solution by assessing a candidate's skills in real-time while respecting their time constraints. This approach not only provides immediate insights into a candidate's problem-solving abilities but also aligns better with the fast-paced nature of today's job market.
We believe that this change will enhance our interview process, making it more efficient and candidate-friendly.
What are your thoughts on this approach? How can we best evaluate candidates' skills during the interview process?